The Washington Council of Lawyers is a voluntary bar association located in the nation’s capital. Our mission is to promote the practice of pro bono and public interest law. We invite you to join us as we work to strengthen pro bono and public interest lawyering in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area. We are lawyers, legal professionals, law students and others committed to advancing issues important to the public interest community.
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Take advantage of the numerous special events and volunteer opportunities provided by WCL. Each year WCL holds its Awards Reception to recognize lawyers in our community for their commitment to pro bono and public service. We have demonstrated a long-term commitment to advocacy in the public interest and provide skills training programs specially designed for the public interest sector. In May, we held our Advanced Litigation Skills Training. The Council also endorses candidates for DC Bar office based on their equal justice records.
Join us, too, in providing walk-in legal advice at the DC Bar’s Advice and Referral Clinic in Southeast Washington. Teach D.C. elementary kids the importance of the judicial process in our annual Mock Trial event.
One of our most important goals is encouraging young lawyers to incorporate a public interest focus in their practice, through pro bono service or as a full-time career choice. In 2005, the Council launched its Mentoring Program, which assists young lawyers entering public interest practice to more easily integrate into that community.
Our annual Summer Forum, designed for summer associates and legal interns, showcases leaders in the legal profession whose deep commitment to public interest makes them role models for this group of aspiring lawyers. The Forum also provides smaller breakout sessions to give the students an opportunity to meet with practitioners from a variety of practice areas. The 2008 Summer Pro Bono Forum, June 5, with speaker Barry Lynn
The newly-redesigned WCL Newsletter will keep you posted on current events and issues in the public interest community as well as Council activities. If you are looking for employment in a public interest law setting, subscribe to the Public Interest Job Clearinghouse. Free to WCL members, the Clearinghouse provides monthly job listings from public interest organizations around the country.
Join our efforts to raise the level of pro bono and public interest activity in the Washington area. Contact one of our committees to GET INVOLVED. We look forward to getting to know you.
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