
The day-to-day work of the Washington Council of Lawyers happens here, in the Committees. Chaired by WCL board members and staffed by WCL members, the Committees make possible the many exciting events and services we offer. Committee work puts you in touch with some of the area’s finest and most dedicated lawyers. Committees that are open to the general membership include the Issues Committee, the Membership Committee, the Pro Bono / Public Interest Committee, and the Special Events Committee.

For more information on how to join a committee, contact Nancy Lopez at [email protected] or one of the co-chairs below.

D.C. Bar Affairs Committee: Evaluates candidates for D.C. Bar office based on commitment to the goals and principles of WCL. Supports Bar efforts to improve delivery of legal services and to encourage pro bono work by area practitioners. Volunteers are welcome. Contact Committee Co-Chairs Susan Hoffman at (202) 624-2591, [email protected] or Barbara Kagan at (202) 429-6258, [email protected] .

Issues Committee: Identifies long-term issues and projects relevant to the WCL mission and designs research or other programs around them. Keeps abreast of current issues affecting public interest/pro bono practice to respond, as needed, on the legislative front, or by filing amicus briefs, or holding public forums. Volunteers welcome. Contact Committee Co-Chairs Elizabeth Symonds at [email protected] , or  Richard Jerome at (202) 296-0688, [email protected].

Membership Committee: Ensures that membership is sufficient and representative of a cross-section of the legal community (students, practitioners, professors, paralegals). Coordinates with the Issues Committee and devises means to bring in new members. Identifies member interests to help staff committees and projects. Volunteers welcome to do outreach. Contact Committee Co-Chairs Golda Philip at [email protected] or Arlene Brens at [email protected].

News Forum: The WCL newsletter is published quarterly. The newsletter covers WCL events and other WCL activities, and features articles on issues of local interest Anyone interested in writing for the newsletter is encouraged to do so. Contact Committee Chair Elizabeth Cyr at (202) 887-4518, [email protected]

Personnel Committee: Responsible for developing employment policy, hiring WCL staff, preparing job description for position and evaluating employee’s performance. Contact Committee Chair Marsha Tucker at 202-942-5315, [email protected].

Pro Bono/Public Interest Promotion Committee: Prepares programs designed specifically to promote pro bono and public interest law, including litigation skills, training sessions for legal services lawyers and Associates Pro Bono Forum. Contact Committee Co-chairs Evelyn Becker at 202-467-4900 or [email protected] or Vytas Vergeer at 202-265-2400 or [email protected]

Public Interest Job Clearinghouse: Provides regular information on public interest employment opportunities in the Washington, D.C. area. Circulates postings to area placement offices and to members. Volunteers are needed to develop sources of information on public interest jobs and coordinate production of the newsletter. Contact Committee Chair Karen Grisez at (202) 639-7043, [email protected].

Special Events Committee: Designs programs presenting issues relevant to the mission of the Council to ensure that the legal community is aware of and informed about issues of public interest and pro bono practice, and that the Council is recognized as a public service resource in the community. Volunteers are welcome. Contact Committee Chair Jim Rubin at (202) 408-9106, [email protected].

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