Bar Endorsements


Every year, the Board of Directors of the Washington Council of Lawyers endorses candidates running for D.C. Bar elective office. The 2008 endorsements are listed below.   We urge you to vote for the individuals whom we have endorsed and to pass along our endorsements to other members of the D.C. Bar who do not belong to the Council but who share our commitment to the public interest.

The Board bases its endorsements on the answers that each candidate submits to a questionnaire prepared by the Council’s D.C. Bar Affairs Subcommittee, along with the candidate’s resume. The questionnaire asks candidates about their personal pro bono record, about their commitment to pro bono and public interest law issues, and about their priorities as an officer of the D.C. Bar. Candidates who do not return the questionnaire are not eligible for consideration. For the office of President, the Board also holds a question-and-answer session with the candidates prior to making its endorsements.

Because many candidates in D.C. have a strong commitment to pro bono, our choices are always difficult, but we do our best to select the candidates whom we think will most effectively support pro bono and public interest law in the District of Columbia, based on demonstrated records of achievement in this area.We are confident that the individuals selected will give pro bono and public interest a very high priority in their work with the Bar.

President-elect: Kim M. Keenan

Secretary: Edward Varrone

Treasurer: Lena Robins

Board of Governors (5 positions): David Cynamon
David Florin
Ankur Goel

Mark Hanna

Benjamin Wilson

ABA House of Delegates (4 positions):  

John Cruden

Karen Lockwood

Paul Smith

Marna Tucker

Endorsed candidates are listed alphabetically,

not in any order of preference.

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