Nancy Lopez, Executive Director
Nancy Lopez is excited to bring her passion for pro bono and public interest law to the Washington Council of Lawyers. Prior to becoming the WCL Executive Director in September of 2010, Ms. Lopez was a Senior Supervising Attorney and director of the Pro Bono Program at the Legal Aid Society of DC, and an associate with Steptoe & Johnson LLP. She has experience serving as a member of the board of directors of DC Law Students in Court, a Guardian Ad Litem with the DC Volunteer Lawyers Project, co-chair of the Family Law Section of the DC Bar, and as a volunteer coordinator for the Attorney Negotiator Program of the Domestic Relations Branch of the Family Court of the District of Columbia. Ms. Lopez looks forward to getting to know the members and supporters of the Washington Council of Lawyers, and a year of fantastic programs to support lawyers working for good in DC.
(202) 942-5063
Fax: (202) 942-5999
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