Every three months, WCL-organized attorneys, paralegals, and law students staff the D.C. Bar Advice and Referral Clinic. Held on the second Saturday of each month at the Bread For The City Southeast Center from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., these clinics assist community members who are unable to afford retained counsel. Participants assess cases, provide advice, and refer individuals to agencies that can provide them with legal assistance to solve their problems. There is no obligation or expectation that lawyers accept a case for representation. Clinic volunteers help citizens identify the issues and how they should proceed in resolving them.
WCL will provide first-time volunteers with information on what to expect, and seasoned Clinic volunteer lawyers provide training at the clinic before it opens, in addition to being readily available for consultation while the Clinic is open. WCL members have helped indigent residents with a wide range of legal matters involving domestic, employment, public benefits, consumer and landlord/tenant law. You do not need to be versed in any particular area; there are experts in these areas on hand or on call to assist you.
Bread for the City, Southwest Center
1640 Good Hope Road, S.E.,
Washington, D.C.
9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Click here for a map.
Don’t miss out on a chance to participate in this very rewarding experience! Sign up now for one of the upcoming clinics, and bring a friend. One need not be a WCL member to volunteer at the A & R Clinic.
Volunteers are still needed to help staff the 2008 Clinics:
Saturday, May 10
Saturday, August 9
Please contact Gina Malloy at 202.942.5063 or at [email protected] You’ll receive confirmation and other information by email.
For further information, contact Margaret Duvall at the DC Bar’s Pro Bono Program.
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